Life, Death, Strength, and Faith

What an enormous honor to be a guest on the Come to Jesus Podcast where I share my story of life, death, strength, and faith.
Listen to Part 1: Balancing Momsanity ~
"She shared when and why she decided to accept Christ as her personal savior. We also discussed the benefits of having an intimate relationship with Christ and the difference with his life before and after she started having a more intimate relationship with God. Debbie also explains how she balanced Momsanity like Motherhood, Faith and Fitness."
Listen to Part 2: Life, Death, Strength, and Faith ~
"Debbie will answer the question where we left off the last time, which was what the secret is or is there a short cut of being sexy, lean, confident and energized. She will also share her heart as she describes the moment of telling her young sons their daddy was gone. How did rely on God and how was she able to explain it to them that their little minds can understand. What was their reaction and questions as they hear their mom answer their questions. Make sure to follow us so you don't miss the rest of our conversation and find out what happen to the rest of her story."
Listen to Part 3: Drawing Strength from God in the Middle of the Storm ~
"Debbie will share her heart to us and tell us what happen and what kind of accident that caused her husband's death. She also mentioned the experience that she has to go through filling the missing report, the search party for her husband's body, and what happen after they found him. The lessons she learned from the police search, casket, and funeral and advice she gives to anyone she meets that is a new widow. She also answered my question on how she was able to pursue God for Everlasting Contentment especially after being a widow without a warning and if she ever questions God on what she was going through in the middle of the storm.
If you want to know how God turn her life into diamonds and the joy of the Lord became her strength this is the episode for you. Listen to her testimony and know that if God can make diamond out of dust, He can do it for you too. When the pressure is on God can make a diamond out of you too. He loves you so much that is why Jesus died on the cross to feel what you feel and give you Hope. Jesus is the only light you need. He can brighten the darkness in your life. Put your hope on Him and he will never let you down."
Listen to Part 4: Strength and Faith in God ~
"In the last part of our conversation, she will share with us how widowhood breathes new life and how she able to stop being a butthole wife. How did her story ends? Did God bless her with a 2nd chance of finding another love of her life and what advice did she gave other widows that are hoping that they can find love again? All of those questions will be answered in this episode.
Our hope is that by listening to her testimony that you will realize how much God loves you! You are not alone. Only God can fill the void you think you might be missing in your life. God is all you need! He will never leave you nor forsake you.
We may not know who you are or what you are going through but Jesus does because he suffered and died in the cross so He can carry your burden for you and feel what you feel. Jesus loves you so if you haven't accepted Him in your life, don't wait. Tomorrow is never promised, accept Him now! Jesus is all you need and the only one who can bring you true joy in your life.
Be sure to share this with a friend who needs encouragement!